Nicotine+ Team
Mat (mathiascode)
- Maintainer (2020–present)
- Developer
Adam Cécile (eLvErDe)
- Maintainer (2013–2016)
- Domain name administrator
- Source code migration from SVN to GitHub
- Developer
Han Boetes
- Tester
- Documentation
- Bug hunting
- Translation management
- Tester
- Redesign of some graphics
- Tester
- Accessibility improvements
Nicotine+ Team (Emeritus)
- Maintainer (2004–2009)
- Developer
- Maintainer (2009–2012)
- Developer
Michael Labouebe (gfarmerfr)
- Maintainer (2016–2017)
- Developer
Kip Warner
- Maintainer (2018–2020)
- Developer
- Debianization
gallows (aka ‘burp O’)
- Developer
- Packager
- Submitted Slack.Build file
- OS X maintainer / developer
- Author of PySoulSeek, used for Nicotine core
- Bash commander
- New and updated /alias
- Suse Linux packager
- Nicotine+ RPM’s for Suse 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 10.0, 10.1
- Handy-man
- Documentation
- Some GNU/Linux packaging
- Nicotine+ on Win32
- Author of Nicotine+ guide
- Created Nicotine+ GitHub organization
- Developer
Lene Preuss
- Python 3 migration
- Unit and DEP-8 continuous integration testing
Nicotine Team (Emeritus)
Ingmar K. Steen (Hyriand)
- Beta tester
- Designer of most of the settings
- Made the Nicotine icons
- Beta tester
- Bringer of great ideas
- Beta tester
- Designer of Nicotine homepage and artwork (logos)
- MacOSX tester
- soulseeX developer
Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
- Created the exception dialog
- Developer
- Created 1.0.8 Win32 installer
- Created Soulfind, open source Soulseek server written in D
- Mac developer
- Packaged Nicotine on OSX PowerPC
PySoulSeek Team (Emeritus)
Alexander Kanavin
Nir Arbel
- Helped with many protocol questions, and of course he designed and implemented the whole system
Brett W. Thompson (Zip)
- His client code was used to get an initial impression of how the system works
- Supplied the patch for logging chat conversations
Josselin Mouette
- Official Debian package maintainer
- Former unofficial Debian package maintainer
Christian Swinehart
Ingmar K. Steen (Hyriand)
- Patches for upload bandwidth management, banning, various UI improvements and more
Geert Kloosterman
- A script for importing Windows Soulseek configuration
Joe Halliwell
- Submitted a patch for optionally discarding search
results after closing a search tab
Alexey Vyskubov
Jason Green (SmackleFunky)
- Ignore list and auto-join checkbox, wishlists
- (._.)
- Adam Cécile
- alekksander
- Alexander Kanavin
- Alexey Vyskubov
- Allan Nordhøy
- Amun-Ra
- Artem
- AtticFinder65536
- Attila Fidan
- Avery
- b1llso
- baloo79
- bgo-eiu
- blueboy
- Bonislaw
- Brett W. Thompson
- burnmail123
- ButterflyOfFire
- Cata
- César Augusto do Nascimento
- Chris McKenzie
- Christian Swinehart
- chz
- Coda
- cwpute
- daelstorm
- David Balazs
- dbazza
- Dreslo
- dtalens
- Elias Groß
- Emily
- Eryk Michalak
- Everly
- Felipe Nogaroto Gonzalez
- Gabriele
- gahag
- gallegonovato
- gallows
- Geert Kloosterman
- gfarmerfr
- Gianluca Boiano
- Guilherme Santos
- Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
- hadwin
- Han Boetes
- Havokdan
- hednod
- homedirectory
- hylau
- ian andrew remsen
- Ingmar K. Steen
- Inso-m-niaC
- Jackson Baber
- Jason Green
- Jean-Baptiste ALLAIN
- Jimmy
- J. Lavoie
- Joe Halliwell
- Jordan Rodrigues
- Jörn Weigend
- jose alberto matos
- Josep Anguera
- Josselin Mouette
- Jozef Říha
- JP Dillingham
- Juan Benites
- Julen
- Julian
- Julien Wajsberg
- Kari Viittanen
- Kawasumi Ayako
- Kenny Verstraete
- Kian-Meng Ang
- Kip Warner
- Kirill Feoktistov
- lee8oi
- Lene Preuss
- Lev Gorodetskiy
- lippel
- Lucas Vieites
- m-balthazar
- Maite Guix
- mantas
- ManWell
- marciozomb13
- Mariusz
- Markus Magnuson
- Mat
- mathsped
- Maxime Leroy
- Mehavoid
- MendelGusmao
- Meokater
- Michael Labouebe
- Micke Nilsson
- Miodrag Milić
- mitramai
- Mohamed El Morabity
- Monsieur Poisson
- ms-afk
- Mutnick
- mzf-guest
- Nachtalb
- nicola
- Nicolas Abril
- Nick Voronin
- Nils
- nince78
- Nir Arbel
- nyoooooooooooooooom
- Offhand
- Oğuz Ersen
- Oleg Gritsun
- Oliver Hattshire
- osiris
- Pagal3
- Patrik
- phelissimo_
- phlostically
- Piotr Strebski
- Poesty Li
- PriitUring
- quinox
- redactedscribe
- rimasx
- Saumon
- SeeSchloss
- sierracat
- Sigrid Davis
- Silvio Orta
- Slendi
- slook
- spongy
- ssantos
- Ștefan Talpalaru
- stillbirth
- Strange
- subu_versus
- suser-guru
- systr
- Szia Tomi
- tagomago
- thine
- Timo Vanwynsberghe
- Toine Rademacher
- tsointsoin
- (va)*10^3
- vasi
- Vinícius Soares
- Vladimir Sedach
- Vladyslav Anisimov
- wanderer
- Wojciech Owczarek
- Wretched
- W L
- X Kowalsky
- Ys413
- yyyyyyyan
- zniavre
- ZTetriminos
- Žygimantas Beručka
Third-Party Attributions
tinytag licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2014–2023 Tom Wallroth
Copyright (c) 2021–2023 Mat (mathiascode)
Country flags licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2016–2021 Bowtie AB
Country data licensed under the CC-BY-SA-4.0 License.
Copyright (c) 2001–2024 Hexasoft Development Sdn. Bhd.
Nicotine+ uses the IP2Location LITE database for IP geolocation.